How does your system work?
Every system is unique, but generally, a Motorola RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) is located at a designated location on your ranch(s), typically at a site with the best cellular connectivity. Local assets, such as pumps, master-valves, filters, and fertigation racks are locally wired to the RTU. In the field blocks, remote nodes (normally a RIO XT or RIO XTR), are connected to in-field assets, such as valves, moisture sensors or even remote wells. They connect wirelessly to the RTU. The RTU connects to the cloud via cellular, or to a Motorola Gateway (which is then connected securely to the cloud) via Digital or Analog Radio.
What makes your system unique?
There are three principally unique elements of our system: 1. Radios - Our radios are made by Motorola and use Business Band UHF frequency. The other options on the market use 900MHz or higher. This is not ideal for Agriculture. 2. Hardware - Made by Motorola with Mission-Critical reliability requirements and architecture. 3. Software - Our software provides a high-level of control, intelligence and a intuitive user-experience in a modern, clean fully cloud based platform.
Why should I care about the above?
If you value a high-quality, reliable and ultra-capable system that will be less expensive to own over the life-time of your automation system, then the above will make all the difference. Our system has proven to have a lower total cost of ownership than our competition.
How do you design a solution for me?
Our team of experts will work with you and your team to design your dream automation system. We'll schedule an initial call, we'll be asking for information like - Irrigation Designs, Maps, KMZ files, what type of sensors you have or would like to have in your system and your KPI drivers (AKA - what are you trying to achieve by automating your farm).
How much does your system cost?
Even if we were allowed to display pricing here, it would be impossible due to the unique needs of every system. Often, automation is a small cost in the overall irrigation system compared to valves, pipe, and pumps - but with a significant and relatively fast ROI (depending on your KPIs).