Long-range wireless control and monitoring node extending the reach of your FutureOps automation platform.

The Ultimate Irrigation Control Platform

The RIO XT and XTR is used to control remote assets within an irrigation or water management system. Easy installation, long-range wireless communication, flexible I/O or station options and the reliability Motorola communications make the RIO XTR a key component in the FutureOps platform.

No Internet/Cellular?

The RIO operates on low power radio that is built into the control unit. As the wireless Irrigation Control node operating on ultra low frequency radio technology, the RIO XTR provides unmatched infield range capabilities between 4-10 miles depending on the terrain. With it's powerful repeater capabilities, the RIO's wireless range can be extended to a nearly limitless distance

Field Ready

The Field Ready Unit (FRU) is an enclosure system that is NEMA 4x rated with a included external solar panel. The RIO battery never has to be charged, and can even remain operational without sun light for up to 20 days. The FRU is made out of marine grade composite and has a strong integrated locking system to prevent un-authorized access.

Sensor Suite

Need to read Moisture from a Soil Tensiometer? Pressure from a Transducer? Or how about control a motorized gate valve? The RIO has built-in Analog and Digital I/O that allow you to use whichever sensors work best for your application. No need to mess around with interfaces, software packages, or integration. The RIO XT/R comes complete with compatibility of over 100,000 different sensors.

Made with the best.

RIO XTR is built with next-generation
Motorola radio technology. This ensures
year-round connectivity, even in
challenging conditions like hills,
canopies and buildings. Further, it is made to work with Motorola's next generation PLC and RTU devices and their corresponding next-gen technology, like LoRa.


Have a remote area where you need to control one, two, or even four valves? Start/Stop a pump? Measure Moisture? Or even a 30 inch Mainline? RIO XT/R is your answer.

Irrigation Control

Controlling Irrigation functions such as Valves, Measuring Flow, Starting/Stopping Pumps, Fertigation is easier than ever with the RIO. The Field Ready Units (FRU) are designed to be pole mounted in the field and can immediately  control remote valves that are tens of miles apart and read sensors such as moisture or pressure sensors.


From measuring and monitoring Soil Moisture, Flow Rates, Pressure, Water Movement, Water Levels, pH, Salinity and more to water usage during scheduled or dynamic irrigation events, RIO packs the punch in terms of capabilities in a cost effective and compact package.

Integral Part of FutureOps

The RIO is part of FutureOps, a new generation software platform. Integrating in one or multiple RTUs (ACE3600 or MC Edge), the RIO can be deployed easily with new or existing systems. The RIO wirelessly extends the reach of the RTU.

Extending the reach of FutureOps

RIO redefines the wireless irrigation controller. It packs an unprecedented punch by having what previously was not possible – vast wireless range, powerful control and monitoring capabilities, self sufficient and lower cost. Farmers, Cities and Water Users reliably open and close valves, read sensors, turn on pumps and much more. The RIO is a wireless "arm" of an FutureOps RTUs.


Multiple Operations

Remote I/O

The RIO is a "Remote" of the ACE3600 or MC Edge via the dedicated RIO Interface Unit. For each RTU, there can be 125 RIOs connected.

Store and Forward / Repeater

Extending the reach of the RIO beyond the 10 mile range (topology dependent), each RIO can extend the wireless range up to 3 hops (though rarely used due to the RIOs powerful range).

The RIO can be many things at the same time.
Credit card mockups

RIO XT/R Applications

The Branif RIO is suitable in various water and irrigation related industries.

Picture of a Park being irrigated

Turf and Landscape Intelligent irrigation control and monitoring

As a remote node to the ACE3600 or MC Edge, the RIO is ideal for remote control of in-field valves, without the wiring burden of traditional wired or 2-wire systems. The RIO can also connect to flow meters, soil moisture sensors, pressure transducers and many more assets to easily bring intelligence to your operations.

Aerial image of a farm

Agriculture Irrigation and Fertigation Automation

Remote wells, field valves and sensors can be widely automated by the RIO. The solar-powered, weather-proof enclosure system provides growers the awesome control and monitoring capabilities of a fully wireless system without the communication issues found in many un-licensed systems on the market today.



Flexibility. Reliability. Cost - Effective.  RIO delivers the power of Motorola designed for Irrigation Professionals.
Sensor inputs are automatically logged and data may be displayed in trends
Two Way Control and Monitoring
Remote Monitoring and Control via iPhone, Android or Desktop Device.
Real-time performance analysis and status reporting for all field components
Wireless Communications are near instant, ensuring real time control, monitoring and automation.
No power needed. Fully integrated included solar panel system.
Dynamic reporting for insights on water, fertilizer and irrigation events.
Up to 10 Miles Non Line of Site Wireless Radio Range

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the products
How high should the RIO be mounted?
Due the the powerful and proprietary radio technology of Motorola, the RIO XT/R can be mounted within the canopy and does not need a direct line of site to the RTU. That being said, for easier access, we recommend placing the RIO FRU box at eye-level height.
How many valves can I connect to each RIO?
Connect up to 4 valves and 4 sensors to each RIO.
Will the RIO power my valve solenoids and other sensors?
Yes. The RIO included battery and solar panel will also power your valve solenoids and sensors it is connected to.
What is the difference between the RIO XT and RIO XTR?
The RIO XT is our smaller form factor RIO that communicates via LoRa. It is ideal is less challenging topologies, where LoRa technology is suitable. The RIO XTR (R - Radio), is our UHF based option that uses a more powerful radio with Motorola technology to enable wireless communications in more challenging installations, such as very remote areas, hills, tree-lines and dense urban areas.

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