Customer Success Stories

Branif Success Stories

Welcome to our case studies — a new way for us to highlight some of the exciting projects we have done. To us, there's nothing more fun than solving some of the toughest challenges in water, wireless and software. We'll be adding more case studies over the next few weeks.

Stahlbush Island Farms | Optimizing Irrigation with Branif

Using Branif technology to ensure their Blueberry crop withstands a heat wave by automatically irrigating to match the crops' ET loss.
Branif Base
March 15, 2025
2 min

Branif DirectConnect: A Case Study in Seamless Remote Pump Control

Discover how Branif DirectConnect delivered a simple, yet powerful, wireless pump control system for a customer in Eureka, Arizona.
Branif Base
July 6, 2023
5 min

Automating 15K Acres of Citrus

Fully automating over 15K Acres of high-value Citrus with Cutting-Edge Motorola Irrigation Control System from Branif Systems
Branif Base
May 24, 2023
8 min
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